Featured Summer Adventure Activity: Find Different Ways to Solve a Problem from a Story

Quite often in the stories we read, watch, and listen to, the story involves solving a problem. What if you had to solve a problem? What if there was no right or wrong answer? What would you do? To show the many ways a problem could be solved, we recently asked children in Cherryland to solve a specific problem from the story, “Soy un barquito.” We invite you to problem solve along with us!  
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Feliz Día and Introducing Our 2021 Summer Adventure Theme

Día is all about celebrating diversity—both our own, and that of others. It is also about connecting with one another by sharing experiences and stories with our friends, neighbors, and anyone who lives in our community. By sharing these stories, we can achieve a deeper understanding of ourselves, others, and the world around us. And with that, it is time to announce our Summer Adventure theme! 
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